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Submitted Conference Content

Full name

Jas Chong

Job Change Management Consultant
email Jas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] com
Skypeid jashong
Phone number +33676544680
Company Ascent Human Capital Consulting
City (Country) Paris, France
Time 1h
Type of Conference Conference > 100 attendees
Level Everybody

Flatten your organisation but not your people


Change management consultant in organisation and HR intervening between IT and HR.


Flattening the organisation is the responsibility of both the organisation and an individual. We'll look at this topic from both perspective and tackle the following questions: (with real examples & case studies) Why do we need to flatten an organisation? What do we get from flattening an organisation? How do we actually do it? Who should do it? We will also cover formal and non formal structures in organisation that requires flattening. We will also some methods of doing it with efforts from both organisation and individuals.



Benefits for the attendees

Extending the vision of an organisation and the role an individual play. Experiment with different methods and validate them for further success. Individual reflection on efforts and roles.

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